2022 - How to grow organic traffic | DIY marketing | small business guide


Here is a way which worked for us to have ~800 - 1,200 weekly views by keeping our marketing strategy simple and using two but very effective social media platforms in a consistent manner.

At first, you are expected to wear all the hats and one of the most critical areas for success is marketing. This may seem overwhelming, especially if you are just starting out. We, at Regnata Technologies, would like to offer some insight/resources/tips to help develop a strategy which you might find useful for your own marketing endeavours. 


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Summary of marketing tactics used by our company | organic traffic tips and resources:

1. Establish a blog to share content, on a consistent basis, to educate your audience and provide helpful information which your target niche finds useful.

2. Use Twitter to promote your blog posts and build brand awareness.

3. Other resources 

Establish a blog to share content, on a consistent basis, to educate your audience and provide helpful information which your target niche finds useful

Create content which centers around your products | services

Example: If you own a real estate agency, your first step should begin with research on sites such as answerthepublic.com to understand what your target is wondering about when it comes to real estate. Once you have developed an outline of how you would like a blog post to flow, write out a draft of what you would like to say for each section of the blog post. Of course, you might want to add a few resources (works cited) to give further credibility for your blog post.

Determining whether or not to update your blog posts is another area of blog writing which you will have to prioritise based on a checklist you should create. Ahref's has a simple yet effective checklist for doing so, you can read more here under "11. Update your content".

Ahref is a site which offers a plethora of tools, tutorials, and helpful tips related to search engine optimisation. The subscription may be a bit of an investment, but is well worth it. This is however, focused more on how to understand the analytics on your dashboard after you begin to build views. The blog section breaks everything down in understanding SEO and important parts of your blog which you can tweak to further improve your search rankings.


Note: You might also want to see if Google trends might help to provide additional insight into what your target market is searching for based upon a keyword for your blog post.


Google trends is a great resource to try to correlate a trending search with your product/service, if possible. This may take some creativity, but if you can find a creative way to tap into a trending search and lure viewers into your world--you have discovered an untapped market. Some effort may be required on your part to figure out a way to mold your blog post around a trending search, yet is worth the time if done successfully.

For example, if you click on the menu in the left hand corner of "trends.google.com/trends", you will be taken to "Daily Search Trends" and you may simply scroll through the articles listed until you find one that has potential and simple incorporate the keywords listed in the article into your own blog title to receive a higher search ranking for your blog.



Google trends result--> One search trend is titled, "COVID-19 omicron symptoms" and more specifically, "Omicron variant symptoms" is the title of the news article listed under these keywords. Thus, you might title your blog post (f you sell N95 masks), "Protect yourself from COVID-19 omicron symptoms: N95 masks". From these headlines, you may select a few keywords to use in your blog and further improve your own SEO for your blog.


For a blog, you might decide to create a story and narrate your blog post, taking the readers on a journey in which they become immersed in your story and develop a bond with what you share. For all those moments in which you pushed through your challenges and kept going, now is the perfect opportunity to share how these moments defined where you are today.As a strategic marketing tactic evolves from these efforts, a steady stream of traffic demands a call to action (CTA) to transition them into a solid conversion base.

Focus your storytelling journey on steering your target market towards an ending which leaves them wanting to thank you for sharing your story by supporting you. This is when you ease them into your CTA (call to action), and is reflected in improvements in your traffic and/or conversion rates.

We cannot stress the importance of starting off with ONE social media platform to post to on a regular basis. After you fine tune and create a habit of posting to this particular social media platform, you will free yourself to focus on improving the quality of your posts to keep your loyal followers anticipating your next blog post. We like to keep things simple, in order to ensure quality and consistency. You may certainly build up and add on more social media platforms to your portfolio of social media, however keep it simple at first. This take us into the next topic...

Use Twitter to promote your blog posts and build brand awareness

At the time of this blog post, we have yet to play around with new features and this post focuses soley on tweeting to promote your blog posts. Twitter develops its own sub-communities, and hashtags MAKE A DIFFERENCE! People notice and watch hashtags. Use a few but choose your hashtags carefully. Be certain the hashtags are either within your respective industry or in target markets/untapped markets you would like to reach.

Consistency is key, as followers will come to either expect or depend on your blog posts which are announced on Twitter.

You might want to experiment with creating public lists, which contain resources/other accounts that complement your business and help to educate your target audience. These lists will appear as "lists to follow" when a user is exploring Twitter and is a form of free advertising for your blog/business.

Once again, loyal followers will come to expect and depend on your tweets because they like what you have to share and want to learn more. Not unlike reading a good book, audiobook or something you can get lost in because you find it interesting. Take the time to create an image which is eye-catching for your tweets, as this is another strategic tactic to encourage click-throughs.

 To keep things organised, categorise blog topics (such as video content, photos, and giveaways), and then you can list keywords according to the category. If you want to have some analytical fun, you can note the number count for the popularity of each keyword (by time, day, month).  This method also serves to help you create compelling captions/titles for each type of blog post, and overall streamline this part of the process. 

Every once in awhile, we recommend updating this "Blog topic vision board"  to create fresh material to use according to current trends/keywords. However, if what you are doing works for you and keeps growing, stick with it.

Other resources

Only after you have become comfortable in blogging on a regular basis, learned how to schedule posts using social media management tools like HootSuite (GUI layout is unparalled), and have determined how to view the stats on your Twitter dashboard to see which posts are successful and how to recycle/repeat this success...only then, should you consider adding additional platforms. Posting, creating content and editing take time in order to manage each social media platform and nurture engagement successfully and consistently. Once you have revenue to justify overhead costs like outsourcing these tasks, you may certainly be able to do more.

Instagram is mentioned under other resources because we did not have a high success rate in repeating our performance (using Twitter strategy) with Instagram. This is because, in hindsight, Instagram is more about fads, videos, music, fashion. Which is great, as hours can be spent browsing Instagram. However, people do not want to read anything on Instagram. It's about aesthetics. What looks good, catches your eye and music. 

However, what we like about Instagram is that you may use it as a tool to check the popularity of keywords because it has a number count by the keyword when you use a hashtag in your caption.

From there, you can rank the keywords and determine which keywords are best suited to drive traffic to your blog. If you decide to use Instagram for your social media platform, Instagram has a 30 word hashtag limit, and should be tailored by post type.

Follow-up with a call to action (CTA)

Within the caption, clearly encourage your followers to go to your site and receive a free e-book or other incentive in exchange for their email address. A persuasive title for the e-book, or offering a complimentary solution to one question in exchange for their email address are additional tactics.

The following website offers some insight into how to create an effective call to action for your splash page/landing page:


A marketing strategy does not have to incorporate every single social media platform for it to be effective, you do however have to be consistent and determined in order to see the results from your endeavours. Building a blog from the ground up will help you to understand your target audience in a way that eventually allows you to see those conversion rates grow, with a loyal marketing base to provide insight (via engagement) on how to identify andreach out to untapped markets.

Neil Patel has a website for those wanting to learn more on how to start a blog.

Hostinger offers incredible pricing to help you start a blog on their hosting platform.

Themeforest is another site to go to for your pre-built Wordpress | HTML | blog/shop themes or you may use the free ones which Hostinger provides.


- answerthepublic.com - What is your target audience wondering about?

- crazyegg.com - Heat map tool to find out where people are clicking on your site.

- trends.google.com - Use the daily trends option to draw keywords from

- GTmetrix - a website tool to analyse page speed and performance

- SEO Quake - free plugin for browsers, domain metrics

- Ahref's backlink checker for backlink data

- UberSuggest - Helps you generate keyword ideas

- Longtail Pro - longtail keywords ranking 


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