Tips and Tricks for Quality Web Traffic and How to Improve Your Conversion Rate

Advertising your knowledge in the form of a helpful blog in a consistent manner will build a solid stream of web traffic

What is organic web traffic?
Organic web traffic is when you create a quality post or blog article that people are interested in because of the presentation style used to attract your organic web traffic.

What is an example of creating organic web traffic?
If you have an online sports equipment store, you could write articles and submit them to online sports/athletic forums. Reddit is a great place to start.

Why is this important in building web traffic that you can utilize to determine how to improve or generate conversion rates?
By addressing an issue and providing a solution, you are showing your interest in providing information that can be used by your target audience and establishes an initial sense of goodwill. 

What resources can I use for ideas for blog articles or unique social media posts?
When writing your blog, search for trending words on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag to develop your own sense of which keywords reflect your style. You should rank the keywords by how many posts there are per category and create a method to track the effectiveness of each keyword.

Why is organic web traffic important?
Quality blog posts or social media posts generate traffic that you can market to through an email campaign or other strategic marketing tools. This improves your ability to persuade web traffic to become actual customers of your products or services.

Furthermore, quality posts builds traffic indirectly since a search engine will show and rank your result higher depending on the accuracy of your keywords. This builds traffic directly since potential customers will clink on your link/retweet your tweet/like your post all because of the wording used in your post. 

Both indirect and direct traffic market improve your brand awareness as people will tend to become familiar with sites they routinely see when conducting a search on a topic. Once this familiarity is established, then you must direct  your energy towards a quality website to turn web traffic into solid conversion numbers. 

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